Looking for a Good Storage Facility

Looking for a Good Storage Facility

Now that you’ve made the decision to move some of your items into a storage facility, it’s time to start short listing the different storage companies and find the lucky one who will have the privilege of keeping all your previous items.

We all know what a hassle it is to weed the bad from the good providers if you’ve never had your items in storage before. It also obviously does not make sense to have to try everyone of the companies out first hand before you boil it down to the cream of the crop.

With that said, the first place that you should start looking actually is NOT the classifieds, but the internet. Look for forums and reviews of the storage provider that you’re looking to hire. There are lots of people out there who HAVE done the groundwork of trying out a number of different Storage Companies and this lot of caring people are generous enough to share their findings with the world vis-a-vis the great and powerful worldwide web.

Besides comparing the obvious – prices and value for money, there are a number of other things that need to be looked at too. But for the sake of this article, we’ll just put it out there that a cheap price does NOT always mean you’ve got a great deal. Again, look to reviews to see if the value of the service is on par with the amount of money you’re paying. When it comes to handling the more fragile items and bulky equipment, you want to make sure that you’re paying enough to the guys who are handling your items so that they’ll take proper care of everything.

Look out especially for reviews on the types of portable storage unit and modules that are provided. Most companies should be able to offer you a tour around their facility for storing too so that you can see firsthand the condition of containers in storage and also the units themselves.

Also keep an eye out value-added services that the company can offer. Full Storage Solution companies (like us at Super Cheap Self Storage) have a lot of a partners that are able to offer you discounts and even cheaper prices when you contract more than one service at a time. Other value added services can come in the form of assistive cleaning and/or inspection services, even something as simple as throwing in free protective padding or using portable units to make it easier for you to store with that company.

When going through the contracts, do take the time to pick out the companies that include money-back clauses and other guarantees so that you have a bit of a fallback in case anything happens. And NEVER compromise on content insurance just in case. You can never be too careful.

Lastly but most importantly, do think carefully about your own personal parameters before starting to look. Important things to start thinking about it obviously budget and how much help do you think you need. When you do get around to narrowing companies down, many of them ARE willing to help you package what you need into an easy (discounted) solution.

So good luck with the search! We hope these tips make the hunt for that perfect Storage Solution that much easier for you!